Practice no.485
Colored figure ٩(。・ω・。)و

Took too long to draw details that didn't matter very much

2 8

Practice no.484
Colored figure ٩(。・ω・。)و

The simplification of shadow edge is difficult

1 4

Practice no.483
Colored figure ٩(。・ω・。)و

How to be faster...

3 22

Practice no.457

The third pose is difficult and I drew it poorly
Maybe so much area being covered
or clothing is my weakness...

0 7

Practice no.422

The shadow in the last one does not look great..._(¦3」∠)_

0 8

Practice no.409

It's freezing cold today... _(´ཀ`」 ∠)_

0 7

Practice no.389

I found myself often distracted by details instead of looking at the big picture.
I think that's why my drawing misses a coherent rhythm.

0 4

Draw with photo reference (o´罒`o)
Haven't drawn this kind of practice in a while
So I decided to draw with friends

0 5

Draw with photo reference (ノ>ω<)ノ
I accidentally deleted my previous drawing
So now I have 2 drawings (´c_`)

7 30