Chameleos tappies! Finished my half of an art trade with Ars :D

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Ancient Phantom, Risen Chameleos

rebirth grants enormous power to any creature, a new opportunity to sow toxic destruction

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Will the Risen monsters be based off of their HC counterparts? it would be cool if they are plus haven't seen any Risen Chameleos videos yet so i don't know

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Risen Chameleos

I already don't like MR Chameleos' fight so I was going in ready to get agitated, BUT I was quite surprised that I actually enjoyed his fight more than the other two. He struck the perfect balance of being legitimately difficult and fun so that's cool.

1 49

Got my butt handed to me by Chameleos. Smodge. We'll get them next time! TT__TT
Thank you to and for the raids!
We raided who is playing Portal 2!
Have a great night everyone!

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Threat Level 10★ - Scorned Magnamalo, Risen Chameleos, Thunder Serpent Narwa, Narwa the Allmother, Crimson Glow Valstrax, Gaismagorm, Apex Diablos, Apex Zinogre

4 55

Threat Level 8★ - Kushala Daora, Chameleos, Teostra, Malzeno, Shagaru Magala, Rajang, Bazelgeuse, Apex Arzuros, Apex Rathian

3 47

My risen chameleos experience so far, his tongue is so deadly

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Violet Mizu and Risen Chameleos be like:

5 31

Have some Risen Chameleos themed toku armor with a sweet scythe fashioned of the Insect glaive <3
cant wait till i get the chance to fight that Derpy boy now they too have risen up to sunbreak!

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and of course, the shinies. never made any shinies for the first batch except for chameleos

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went and finally finished the dos dragons, chameleos in the GSC style. Here's them compared to the ones i drew last year

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Chameleos from Monster Hunter, he is surprised to see you.

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Chameleos has Risen

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Maintenant que le Chameleos éveillé a été dévoilé dans , pensez-vous que d’autres vont suivre❓ On vous a fait un petit Kushala Daora pour imaginer la chose…

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