expropiación y muerte a los super ricos

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Aquí me honrra presentar a mi 1er humano :]
Nombre: Miyo Manyi
Básicamente lo creé para exprotar comicamente xd
Curiosidades abajo y proceso 👀

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Time for some antagonists!

Jin Chin-Hwa, a disaster Capitalist and the CEO of "Bulb Tech," a company that is slowly gaining a monopoly over all of the life-saving floral technology needed to combat the rot. He isn't too fond of Ludwig and his friends for expropriating the tech.

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Jack the Hammerhead
new Trove fan art by Alexpro5461

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An Earth-shattering asteroid?? No, it's SANTA" 😌

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exproprie os meios de produçao com ele (๑ᵕᴗᵕ๑)*.+:。

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Workin on a very slippery hexproof boi

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Willo - Cute Explosion

Uma criança que faz cada um de seus fantásticos sonhos se tornar real

Inspirado no jogo não lançado DokeV

Detalhe sobre a ideia: Ela só tem uma asa e fala algumas coisas errado, como "Exprosion"

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I drew Ras-san with my own style. Tadinya aku mau gambar Ras-san full body, tapi aku malas (╯︵╰,)

Ras san kat ko i i
めっちゃ好き~ ♥╭╮♥

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The conflict known as the began in 1847, caused by tax burdens, land expropriations, and increasing political violence in the Maya region, causing a huge impact on the evolution of modern-day borders in the surrounding areas of Belize, Guatemala, and 🇲🇽

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Esta nena fue inspirada por un # que hay en insta 🤧💞 es de un mundo fantástico y medieval, y tiene una maldición ahí medio chunga por eso es Rosita 😫🤝

Su exprometido la embarazo y le puso alto cuernazo, but, es una woman fuerte e independiente B) Ahr Ksks me emocioné-sorry😩

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Carly And Her Friends: Beach (but coming in June, lol)

Carly Chan
Mirkea The Bunny
Expro The Goat belongs to me
Bendy belongs to BATIM

Art By Me

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