The full power of her brilliance above us is what was needed to get me back here and posting again. She has always been an inspiration, a muse, a guide, and a love. May all your nights be beautiful.
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Feast of the Mother is on sale for just but only for a very limited time. Make sure to grab your copy before it's too late!

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Is it so with us? Do we take the time to remember and be grateful to the wonders around us? Have there been other wonders in the past that disappeared because we failed to appreciate them? As we can make those concepts real.
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The knightly vigil is an iconic scene from medieval literature yet it has significance that goes farther back. I love the idea of this warrioress preparing herself for something more than just loyalty tomorrow. What will be her test?
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Do you believe in the Are warrior spirits such as true to you? Or just figments of our imaginations? Regardless of your reality, they have always fascinated me. Especially the True Ones.
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In our limited experience, we always assume that the bodiless don't want to be that way. Why? Because we believe material pleasures are the only ones? Have you explored this in anything you have read or written?
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Are all great creatures dangerous? How are some able to approach them unharmed? Is because they know they are dominant, or because they know that kindness reciprocates? How do you approach this in stories you read or enjoy?
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Shapechangers, werecreatures, beasts, warriors, magic & fantasy - obviously what I am fascinated in. Hopefully what I care most about - the emotions, conflicts & motivations of all beings - will be what people remember of my writing.
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In recent years, there have been many fine works created from the perspective of the "opposition." This has proven immensely beneficial to creatives and readers as the entire narrative of villains is now deep, complex and far more believable.
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Should beauty win? What do orcs think is beautiful? Does he find this being of light wretched? Is he a warrior of life while she is a spirit of death? I love those questions and can't wait to ask & explore them with my readers in my books.
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Sketches, shaded and raw, are sometimes even more poignant in their simplicity than more richly colored ones. Could the same be said of words?
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There are certain magical creatures that I have always loved - like griffons. Friday morning reminds us that while we may not all be griffon riders, we should work to live, not live to work. I better get back to writing!
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From sketch to final piece. One of my contracts for a Follow me for more fantasy and art. Thanks!

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Book cover finished some time ago; yet to be released!

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