So a while ago was talking about skater girl Keith on the sheith discord, and it hasn’t left my head for weeks so I sketched her 💕💕 also but only implied

5 23

Femke, Sophie and baby Milou. Though pregnancy went off relatively smoothly complications arose at the time of Milou's birth forcing Sophie to undergo an emergency c-section last minute. Despite everything though, the two moms are so grateful to finally hold their baby girl.

2 2

[OCs] Irie and baby Indigo. Simon, Isaak and baby Leo. Femke, Sophie and baby Milou. Context in replies.💙

7 10

I was doing a little study for fun but the lesbianism kicked in and I made it into FemKeith........whoops?

36 117

I got paid to draw kakyoin in the miku binder thanks femke

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Femke Hiemstra

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Vanavond! Het onvolprezen Marathoninterview op : onze Roxane van Iperen aka , auteur van ‘t Hooge Nest, trapt vanavond af en gaat in gesprek met Pieter van der Wielen. Dinsdag is advocaat Roger Cox te gast, en woensdag burgemeester Femke Halsema.

7 16

Free special guest lecture number 4! Who: Dr. Femke Holwerda (), Topic: How Mosasaur Teeth help us Reconstruct Late Cretaceous Marine Foodwebs. Thursday, Nov. 14, 10:30 a.m. in our auditorium.

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My baby girl ;-;

🎨: sunsetfemke (tumblr)

37 88

Klance? Maybe fem! klance?? And maybe galra!klance??? OR BETTER GALRA! FEM!KLANCE???
Yeah, galra Kate should be taller, but :/// im dump and i think Kate look like mother

2 31

[Art] "Treat Yourself" color vote from December Patreon sketches, suggested by MoppyPuppy! People suggest the most interesting things lol... FemKeith also featured here:

89 951

not satisfied with this but i've been fixing it for so long!!!!!!! at least kei looks good :'3 based off of 's femkei! 💕

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