I really wanted to draw tiddy have some femkeith uwu

Once Lance gets home, she’s not leaving until keith properly fucks her unconscious

8 64

When listening to Lady Gaga my brain decides to draw femKeith wearing Gaga’s outfits from all her videos…..

1 4

So a while ago was talking about skater girl Keith on the sheith discord, and it hasn’t left my head for weeks so I sketched her 💕💕 also but only implied

5 23

In her kiss, I taste the revolution
🌸 🌸 🌸 ❤💜

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I was doing a little study for fun but the lesbianism kicked in and I made it into FemKeith........whoops?

36 117

[Art] "Treat Yourself" color vote from December Patreon sketches, suggested by MoppyPuppy! People suggest the most interesting things lol... FemKeith also featured here: https://t.co/Unkh8EpWCx

89 951

[Art] "FemKeith" https://t.co/SfGeiOGOCc "Not afraid to hit a girl, are you?" Keith gets shapely, suggested by FluxPrototype46! Thank you for the suggestions!

85 782

maintaining her muscles to always be able to save her cheesy Beef.

26 52