„Maskenpflicht in Bus, Bahn und Geschäft:
Bund rät nur, immer mehr Bundesländer verpflichten dazu“

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Need something to keep you busy? is posting artwork each week in April, challenging you to use that work as inspiration for an at-home creation. We love how this client is encouraging others to be creative and make art while social distancing.

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„Regierungsbeschlüsse zur Coronakrise:
Die neue Normalität der Unsicherheit“

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Day 26: Carolyn's Creative Challenge from Curls Studio. Join in! Today's prompt: Concept a Public Service Announcement to help stop spread of COVID-19. Post + tag your work Pig face

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Auch wenn für mich der Osterspaziergang heute ausfällt, schick ich den Hasen und seine Freunde auf eine kleine Heldenreise. Was werden sie alles erleben? Lasst doch mal eure Phantasie spielen 😊🐰🐥.

Macht euch einen schönen

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Social Distancing คือ การเว้นระยะห่างทางสังคม ช่วงนี้เราต้องห่างกันสักนิด พิชิตโควิด-19 ห่างกันสักพักแต่ยังรักกันเหมือนเดิม.. .😉✌️

Cr : Kakao Friends USA

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The world is reeling from the effects of Covid-19. To help

From now till May 31st, 2020, we'll provide free licenses to animators worldwide. Users who purchased CACANi in April & May, 2020, you'll also get 1 month free.

Details: https://t.co/vC2SpRhRFm

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is doing a charity livestream for the event, help us fight corona and help us . Jack just reached $300.000 (and $400.000, after his donation), the next goal is $500.000, please, do anything you can to fight the corona virus.

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