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.@noakes_polly’s gorgeous rainbow illustration for our new Walker picture book A PRESENT FOR ROSY, out today!
Download the colouring sheet here: https://t.co/OzBtPtOHa4
Buy the book with free delivery from @hivestores: https://t.co/CuhG63aK8e
#APresentForRosy #RainbowsOfHope🌈
I made my own #NHS #rainbowsofhope to put up in my front window. There is an ambulance station at the end of my street, so hopefully they'll spot it when they drive past.
If anyone wants the image to download, print and display, they are more than welcome to it!
#pinchpunchpost May just have to be a better month! #LippyTheLion #rainbowsofhope @pinchpunchpost
All the #rainbowsofhope / #Covid19UK You can download Damien Hirst's (@hirst_official)'Butterfly Rainbow' at https://t.co/GxeI8sHSEE to show support #NHSheroes – or send a 🌈 e-card (https://t.co/nhMm4DqGCd) by
@QuentinBlakeHQ to a loved one you're missing #art
With many of us turning to #art to enliven a sense of community spirit - we'd like to celebrate #natstatweek by sharing the latest #research. Watch this space for visual arts papers that use our #data #stationarymatters @UKDataService #rainbowsofhope
A Rainbow for everyone, reminding those who are having a difficult time that things will get better before they get worse and to keep your energy positive.
This will end. Stay positive, smart and busy and you will be OK <3
artwork © 2020 Alex Cockburn
Just a small token of appreciation for all the essential workers working to keep us all safe,healthy & happy. My family & I are immensely grateful. #stayhome #stayhomeflattenthecurve #thankyouhealthcareworkers #thankyougrocerystoreworkers #thankyoudeliverydrivers #rainbowsofhope
I can see a rainbow..
#WassilyKandinsky #rainbowsofhope @RIBA_architect
Our #rainbowsofhope for the #NHS workers. Thank you all so much! @GWH_NHS #StayHomeSaveLives #COVID2019 #drawing #homeschool