Is she alive?
1/1 digital art available on FND
Link in bio🤗

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Tonight’s art project. Had quite a therapeutic day.

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Little accomplishments make a huge difference

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Not sure I’ll get much painting done today with the shakes but managed this one.

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Definitely a light-hearted day..Is it wrong I’m looking forward to bed already?! 🥴

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Tonight’s little project - Good relaxation

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Another amazing piece of art from this weeks Art Journalling for Wellbeing topic was "What would you like people to know about FND"

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Trying to distract myself from pain today 🥴 whatever works!

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You can’t just shut off when you have even when you’re trying to sleep it’s disruptive

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Living with is wishfully hoping each day gets better and distracting yourself when it doesn’t.

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Its march 25th, the official day for
I have
What is FND?
Functional Neurological Disorder (FND) is a problem with the functioning of the nervous system and how the brain and body send and receive signals.

Please share this fairy to raise awareness ♡

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