It’s time we stopped judging disability with visibility! Be curious, ask questions, learn.

4 18

Painted my friends new puppy.
I’m actually done for the day and crawling under my blanket.

1 8

More challenging today but yay - accomplished

1 6

Had to distract myself further tonight. Today has not been the easiest but I’ve got there

0 9

Was zonked out before 8 last night. As a result was back up by 2 😬 oh well, early morning art (or middle of the night)

2 5

Day 5: New Adventures
Incontinence pants free nights 🥹

1 19

Had no idea what I was going to create but this was the end result

1 7

When things bring you down, you just have to keep on rising

3 6

Always trying something different to keep my brain working..well, somewhat!

0 7

Despite feeling like hell after a brutal night, decided I had to do something. So a little winter scene - very apt today

4 11

As I can’t sleep, painting seemed the only option.
Horizontal mode commencing again 😮‍💨

2 12