No hay contexto dibujo ramdom :D~
Sunday: Hola, soy sunday espero llevarme contigo y zanahoria
Bf: Pico -<-
Pico: Tengo nombre sabes?
Sunday: Como sea
Nene: ???

2 19

Friday Night Harem cover (not an actual doujin)

4 47

🇷🇺: Наконец-то я нарисовала эту фигню. И я отдыхаю от школы 4 дня :D

🇺🇸: Finally I drew this bullshit. And I take 4 days off from school :D

0 6

I was so hyped that bbpanzu followed that I asked . to do this 2 awesome concepts for Zer0 Carol and Zer0 Sunday lol. The story for both is like, they are part of the same band where both are vocalist. Original characters by .

- Produ

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13 60

art fun hehehe
drew sunday, because sunday.

4 59

The date week,is a beautiful mod,and became my favourite
I put all on my best in this piece,hopefully this could return a bit of all of the love that all the creators gave making this mod

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