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Eleiso once used the bounty seal to locate members of the Iao clan so he can find Jerry. But it was eaten by the moostache.
Gallery: https://t.co/IPQhdfneTU
Manga: https://t.co/IMjpaQwvUI
#inktober #inktober2019 #fourthinstance #4iinktober #chibi #demon #fantasy #sealmagic
The straw-to-gold seal is one of the seals which found its way into the human world. Later some humans wrote about it in fairy tales.
Gallery: https://t.co/IPQhdfneTU
Manga: https://t.co/IMjpaQwvUI
#inktober #inktober2019 #fourthinstance #4iinktober #chibi #demon #fantasy
The levitation seal lifts you up into the air. Jerry found a similar seal that lift little things up for a few inches.
Gallery: https://t.co/IPQhdfneTU
Manga: https://t.co/IMjpaQwvUI
#inktober #inktober2019 #fourthinstance #4iinktober #chibi #demon #fantasy #sealmagic
The heal seal does what it says. It heals wounds. But it can not bring you back once you are dead.
Gallery: https://t.co/IPQhdfneTU
Manga: https://t.co/IMjpaQwvUI
#inktober #inktober2019 #fourthinstance #4iinktober #chibi #demon #fantasy #sealmagic #occultism #witchcraft #gothic
The orientation seal helps you find your path. It interferes with the stars and is one of the few seals that connects to another form of magic.
Gallery: https://t.co/IPQhdfneTU
Manga: https://t.co/IMjpaQwvUI
#inktober #inktober2019 #fourthinstance #4iinktober #chibi #demon
The mirror seal can mirror somethings or someones appearance and copy it to another.
Gallery: https://t.co/IPQhdfneTU
Manga: https://t.co/IMjpaQwvUI
#inktober #inktober2019 #fourthinstance #4iinktober #chibi #demon #fantasy #sealmagic #occultism #witchcraft #gothic
Like the cold seal the warmth seal keeps things warm. Simple.
Gallery: https://t.co/IPQhdfneTU
Manga: https://t.co/IMjpaQwvUI
@Jakeparker @inktober
#inktober #inktober2019 #fourthinstance #4iinktober #chibi #demon #fantasy #sealmagic #occultism #witchcraft #gothic
The cold seal was once invented by Euklas and it does what it says: It keeps things cold.
Gallery: https://t.co/IPQhdfneTU
Manga: https://t.co/IMjpaQwvUI
@Jakeparker @inktober
#inktober #inktober2019 #fourthinstance #4iinktober #chibi #demon #fantasy #sealmagic #occultism
The door seal is a very powerful seal. It opens a portal to another place. Unfortunately the place is completely random.
Gallery: https://t.co/IPQhdfneTU
Manga: https://t.co/IMjpaQwvUI
#inktober #inktober2019 #fourthinstance #4iinktober #chibi #demon #fantasy #sealmagic
The apocalypse chicken was summoned by Jerry. He thought he would destroy the whole world with it.
Gallery: https://t.co/IPQhdfneTU
Manga: https://t.co/IMjpaQwvUI
@Jakeparker @inktober
#inktober #inktober2019 #fourthinstance #4iinktober #chibi #demon #fantasy #sealmagic
Thank you so much for 1000 Follower <3 <3 <3
Full Manga: https://t.co/oZ2X0wmreS
#FourthInstance #IndieManga #demon #decomicfantasy #fantasy #FourthInstanceMichael #4iM
This is the day I was working for the last 3 months. The first online official publish of Fourth Instance - Michael: The origin of Fourth Instance https://t.co/jQidYpClst
Enjoy the first pages. Every week there will be more.
#FourthInstance #Manga #dämon
Today and next week there will be an early access of the two new illustrations, which will be included as a signed print in the next Mangabox in July.
#FourthInstance #Manga #dämon #demon #mystery #fantasy #angel
Fourth Instance - Prometheus "One Coughy to go" Vol. 1
Manga lesen: https://t.co/VulWSwbPmx
Buch kaufen: https://t.co/QD2t3JNGfe
#FourthInstance #Manga #chibi #shonenai #boyslove #dämon #demon #angel #cute #süß #comic #funny #fail #freetoread #fantasy #mystery
Fourth Instance Vol. 9 Staffel Finale
Manga lesen: https://t.co/VulWSwbPmx
Buch kaufen: https://t.co/QD2t3JNGfe
#FourthInstance #Manga #shonenai #dämon #demon #fantasy #malecharacter #4ichibis #Eleiso #mystery
Fourth Instance Vol. 8
Manga lesen: https://t.co/VulWSwbPmx
Buch kaufen: https://t.co/QD2t3JNGfe
#FourthInstance #Manga #chibi #dämon #demon #angel #cute #süß #comic
Kleine Einblicke in Fourth Instance Band 6
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Das Motiv gibt es als Postkarte und signiertes A4Print bei mir im Shop.
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Sneaky Peak into Fourth Instance Vol.4
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Ich eröffne hiermit den Online Shop für den ersten Band von Demon Ai Episode 1-25. Es gibt wieder jede Menge Merch, kleine Geschenke und Rabatte. Ich freu mich auf eure Bestellungen.
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