
6 13

大好! 龍TFおじいちゃんがでた! DALL•Eくんのこと好きになりそう、龍がいい具合に出せてきた。黒じゃないけど黒と感じる色、参考になる


0 5

…それにしてもチェックシャツもイケケモが着れば普通にかっこいいの卑怯でしょこんなの… https://t.co/kDeM6PYYoR

3 30


1 6


18 91


12 317


Here have some more bugg Skayla for you troubles


16 70



又因為大圖生成非~常~貴~,導致在抽圖的時候代幣就瘋狂的噴飛。只推薦給點數太多用不完的人汪 (☍﹏⁰)

8 44

>Skayla wants to join your party!~

It took me a real long while to make Skayla's witch outfit again but here we go~


11 56

The shortstack police is here to put you under arrest!~


Granted, those thighs are good for crushing not for chasing


20 90

Gonna make the moves or is this really just a casual park date?~



16 79

See?~ These fishnet stockings are absolutely NOT cutting off circulation to my legs


No one tell her she looks like one of those mall hams


21 82

Shooting range, I think you fail to grasp the fact it's for shooting a gun not stares, now get back to aiming!~


23 108


研究了OpenAI家的繪圖AI「DALL·E 2」,目前覺得最亮眼的是延伸背景的生成功能,可以幾乎完美地學習原圖的背景做延伸~

當角色太靠近圖片邊緣的時候,可以補出更順眼的圖片,或是延伸出空間來放些文字或其他資訊汪 ( • ̀ω•́ )✧

5 31

Ah yes of course, more bikini squish cause... I don't know I like how it looks!~

17 83

And now, without further dilay, belly AND thighs

for your viewing pleasure


21 69

Now that's some thick thighs if I do say so myself~



20 73

You know if you keep falling behind am just going to leave you in the forest for the animals to eat ~



13 67

Rachel at the pool;
she has some ideas to help you relax~

2 20