For those who missed it earlier (and care), my entry Trappy Climb is done and playable here:

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Almost didn't make it, and it's a little rough around the edges, but Trappy Climb is submitted \:D/

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my entry is finally up!! I'm so glad I was able to do it!

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I think I won't be able to finish my game this time around but... here's a small sneak peak *wink wink*

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'Spaaaaace!' is now called Void-Dogs and is coming soon for .

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Winged mode. I might use this, depending on how much time I have. It's pretty cool though.

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Patience is valuable when ammo is scarce.

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Don't mind me, just walking through the air.

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Implemented knockback and discovered a bug that doubles run speed. Speedrun strats?

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Spent too long today just playing around with the engine... Trying to refine the transitions between gravity fields is tough

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Experimented with making platforms without tilesets, just blocking snowfall. Might use this.

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Making the first few rooms. It's almost like it's an actual game now.

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