Menat in R. Mika's costume for @/dogemario12

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Puisque les statues de la vierge dérangent les bobos, les gauchos, les écolos, les wokistes, les laïques, les collabos islamo-gauchistes, etc etc.. faisons nous plaisir !!


1069 1995

Hari ini Kak Putri Soekidin (), komikus Sweet Honey Calamity di re:ON Comics berulang tahun, lho!

Selamat ulang tahun Kak Putri! Semoga dapat terus melahirkan karya-karya yang disenangi oleh para penggemar ya!

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Penggemar frottage/dry-humping MERAPAT

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CLASSIC LP OF THE DAY: With the sad passing of brilliant here’s 1 of his best solo albums released in 1975 produced by a melodic mix with 2 songs by sideman 🎸🎼

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Original: kagemaru_d

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this is prob a dumb thought that im having rn but i wonder who the scientific researcher shigemaru was working with is, like who shigemaru was working with, cause like i want to know if they’re still around in the present timeline or if they vanished or what 😭

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Dain kakel ansos tp banyak penggemar.

Suka mojok di ruangan sepi sambil baca baca buku aneh.

My last piece in 2022, I hope I can be more productive next year🙏

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Chapter 0-14 spesial untuk para penggemar Gotman (saya)!!!
*Maaf untuk chapter preview yang gagal selesai. Kuakan kembali.

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Baru tengok ep1 dah berjaya menarik perhatian aku untuk layan sampai habis. Jujur aku mmg tk berapa gemar genre gini tapi sbb hero hensem plus fav seiyuu lak tuh. Memang kena layan sampai habis lh. Nak season 2 bole takk! Aku frust dgn ending dia! Malas nk sambung baca manga😵‍💫

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Merry Christmas to all Negima and UQ fans!
สุขสันต์วันคริสต์มาสแฟนๆ Negima และแฟนๆ UQ ทุกคน!
Frohe Weihnachten, Negima-Fans, UQ-Fans!
Selamat Natal untuk semua penggemar Negima dan UQ

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スタンプ Store ⤵︎

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The 'east coast' team. Alston the gnome, Badri the half-orc and Ingemar the halfling.

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