26. Sangloupmon

Vampire Wolf? Vampire Wolf.

My boyfriend only made me aware of this Digimon a while ago, and it's stayed in my mind ever since. So intimidating and the fact you can't see its eyes give it a more creepy but cool look at the same time.

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im paving the way atm with seadramon, gatomon, and sangloupmon mains

i love sangloupmon and i wish there was a more... clean evolution line because its so fucking insane as a design it needs more

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I also have Demiloupmon, my rookie for the canon digimon Sangloupmon.

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I remember a while ago I did a “Your digimon partner is,” thing and I got Psychemon. How fitting the evolution line is demons Atsamon and Belphamon,

Couldn’t find a definitive champion level between Psyche and Atsa so I put Sangloupmon in there to fit the hellhound theme

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Day 2 : Danse ! (J'avais pas le temps pour le premier jour ! *gloups*) ^w^

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While I don't dislike Knightmon -> Lord Knightmon, I wanted to give it a different aproach, swift strikes, pink body and virus attribute screams Kyukimon, so I went with that. Youkomon and Psychemon work... but I also think Elecmon (Violet) and Sangloupmon could work.

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Demon Beast
Sticker Blade
Black Mind

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catching up on the last few donations! sangloupmon and porcupamon!

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I'm so proud of the growth !! It only gets higher from here.

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renamon X -> sangloupmon -> kendogarurumon -> magnagarurumon

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I think about my Rosetail design's gloup a lot...she's everything I want to be

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J'ai oublié de publier ça hier. Voici mon 'persona' pour participer aux quêtes de la . D'ailleurs voici la participation du mois: "Rencontre avec les gloups". C'est basé sur un meme.

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I have decided Sangloupmon is like my perfect aesthetic but since Matadormon can only digivolve into Piedmon in Dusk (which you can only get IF you had him already, that's till near end game)

I'm headcanoning my Gaomon to be able to go into Sangloupmon, Leomon, and Gaogamon UwU

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Started but accidentally did the wrong level.. buuuuut this one is my favorite, Sangloupmon

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