
Husk, don’t be such a sourpuss, let the man kiss you!😤👏🏻✨(He 100% enjoys it but he’ll never admit it 😔)

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In my haste to draw Husk as a human, I may have mis-aged him... if that's a thing. Here's a more proper version.

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My human Husk (as a bartender who ain't paid enough to care)

Alastor and Angel are both dark-haired in my mind*, so Redhead Husk breaks it up a little. And the 70s wallpaper-paste hairdo simulates whiskers, idk

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I did this while my arm is incredibly sore from getting the shot yesterday, I don't like his hair but I don't think anything else fits unfortunately

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I absolutely love what did with the Husk cover of “Sober” by Pink. It is wonderful in so many different ways, and I felt like I could relate to it. You did a wonderful job!

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✨🌙’A Love confession can send you over the moon’🌙✨

My first attempt at Alastor and Husk’s human designs!
I’m pretty proud of how this turned out 🙌🏻

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I was playing the sims and I decided to finally make the Angel and Alastor's wedding, and was a chaos! But very funny 😂😂

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"I'm not f*cking drunk! Pass me another bottle."

《Finally drew another half-human Husk!!! He's my fav okay??? I love him!!! I'm so happy with how this turned out!!

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Don't look at me like that you Baka!!
xd Bustyhusky.
Parece que a los Chicos Pechosos son cosa buena B)

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but it's a coming of age film

I can hear the Arcade Fire Sigur Ross and Lorde soundtrack now..

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Got some new markers to play with!
Here’s a and ! Most of my inspo for Alastor was from ! And this design is gonna be featured in somethin I’m still workin on 😉

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