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FXHaiku - A.I. generated haikus layered and randomized on vintage Japanese artwork

Edition of 22 - 2.2 each

thank you for the tools

1 1

Episode hump day
So merely relistening
To great episodes

Composing haikus
That feature the word ‘haiku’
Legitimate art

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In a world at odds
We find peaceful moments rare
Take the time to breathe.

~Traci VW

6 35

Love is in the air
from whistling wings of dove love
mourning doves coo woo

~Traci VW

3 17

Angel Mom is gone
Quietly a life well lived
Leaving behind LOVE

~Traci VW

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Me ha gustado 👍: Emily Dickinson, Benedetti, Elvira Sastre y algunos sonetos de Shakespeare. Y los haikus, me encantan los haikus.

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I named my pet crab
Leonardo da Vinci
His arms, so pinchy!

16 89

Lots up for sale: Planets, Haikus, my left leg. You are invited to peruse my on and get lost in some colours

11 44

NEW YEAR’S: New Year’s is great ‘cause / neighbors give your fireworks from / November to March.

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My daughters’ Christmas / theme song for opening gifts / is Hey Jealousy.

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Remember when I said i'd gift to those who collect 3 Haikus of Water before Haikus of Earth drop? Say hello to Haiku of Space II...Still some time to claim
'Wishing stars falling,

Ending their journey aflame,
Kissing the night sky.'

2 17

Dad Autumnal Ensemble:
Hoodie, cargo shorts, / and a ball cap. Plus, a beard / to keep the face warm.

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THANK YOU WAVE: If I let you in, / and you don’t wave, I curse you / with bad bathroom days.

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こたつで背中に陽を浴びながらオンライン授業。ジョナス・メカスの「WTC Haikus」を見て話した。時差は今回も手ごわくて、終えて少し横になったらうたた寝のまま熟睡。昨晩『春原さんのうた』の音響チェックをしてくれた黄さんに電話。遠くの街の駅にいた。

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I got my COVID booster shot, so I'll be just fine even as anti-vaxxers breed new variants with their stupidity.

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M'lady soul pure.
I await you forever.
My Flower untouched.

(I wrote haikus for this. I was ready.)

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Haikus, de César Aira, parece un monólogo de Samuel Beckett escrito después de haber tomado una potente dosis de ácido lisérgico. En este libro, escrito en 1998, están narrados de manera anticipatoria los estertores de la definitiva caída del país en 2001.

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