Idiots who say, "Homeric religion is TRAGIC bro, they saw themselves as playthings of alien forces bro" don't understand that nothing changed but philosophic elaboration until "Neo"Platonic religion. Difference is reacting to it like the guy on the left vs the guy on the right.

5 16

Happy birthday to the sweetest boy, my lil' bro Homerito 🥺🥺💖💖💖

5 20

The Seven Voyages of Sinbad the Sailor

A famous sailor named Sinbad tells the stories of his Homeric travels to a poor porter. The tales include shipwrecks, ferocious beasts, the Old Man of the Sea, and other dangers.

5 20



ぜひ一緒に楽しくティンホイッスル吹きましょう^ ^


4 17

Aidoneus,the Ruler of Many,among the deathless gods, own brother born of the same stock: for honor,he has that third share which he received when division was made at the first,and is appointed lord those among whom he dwells.
Homeric Hymn to Demeter paracit.

2 2

Mathematics, Psychedelics, Cybernetics.

Exploring the Mandelbrot Set is like a journey through a forest landscape, a process of discovery of new forms and species, an infinite Homeric odyssey for the 21st century. [Visualization by ]

13 55

Heute in Gelb...
"It´s a me, Homerio"


1 4

M. Xaviculus Bell - Disciple of the 2-Planar Homerian Adjunct

"I am finally free of this malodorous reality! Unshackled by the absurdity of space-time, I scry the non-Euclidian psalms..."

Photo by Bryce Chapman & Ann-Marie Bell

5 56

A Homeric Hymn to Hermes describes the birth of Apollo & his theft of that god's sacred cattle. 🐄 Hermes, a god "of many shifts", is associated with cunning & thievery, but he's also a bringer of dreams, invented the lyre, as well as racing & wrestling.

14 53

Day 24: Homerito, 's OC con su queso crema!

3 6

Tsukki as Helen from Homeric epic fic
-i havn’t been able to participate the week but wanted to draw Tsukki for his day. Still I had no time to draw him for real so i quickly draw him from the sketch I had.

7 33

"I begin to sing of Demeter, the holy goddess with the beautiful hair. And her daughter Persephone too. The one with the delicate ankles, whom Hades seized." (Homeric Hymn to Demeter)

18 67

Ficha actualizada de Homerito porque era necesario uwu <3

6 20

My of Dionysos from April and August. Literary influences: the Homeric Hymns to Dionysos and Euripides' Bacchae.

4 16

ニコライ・ホメリキ(Nikolay Khomeriki)監督、エフゲニー・ツィガノフ、ドミトリー・リセンコフ(Dmitriy Lysenkov)、デイジー・ヘッド(Daisy Head)ら共演「殺人狂騒曲 第9の生贄」("Девятая",2019年)が、7月31日から新宿シネマカリテで公開されるようだ(映画ナタリー)

2 1

Hermes went to the abodes of the deathless gods, carrying his son. Then all the immortals were glad in heart and Bakkheios Dionysos in especial; and they called the boy Pan [all] because he delighted all their hearts. - Homeric Hymn

Chamo San

8 25


●羽鳥美紗紀(fl.)×吉田篤貴(vn.ほか色々) DUOライブ!




4 23

四谷の さんのライブを見てきました。動画しか見たことがない初見の方でしたが、とってもチャーミングで素敵でした。ギターとバイオリンとコンサーティーナ(初めて見る楽器)によるジブリ作品やオリジナルの演奏は、世の憂いを忘れるほど癒されました。CDにサインもいただきました。

1 10

Similarities between Homeric Epics and Gilgamesh Epic:
- Gilgamesh and Enkidu fight the giant Humbaba
- Odysseus and his companions fight the giant Cyclops

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