Dark humor... Comedy, in my opinion, is protected by the freedom of creativity and this is why I think you are allowed to crack a joke about anything and anyone.

4 63

Nmms banda hoy fue un dia desastroso :(

*entre risas*Acabo de hacer esta mmada para la ocasión xD.... me encanto xD.
Lo saque de esta imagen, ojo q es humor.... bastante ácido, pero es humor xd

0 2

I have a unique sense of humor.....

0 0

I understandably don't get many chances to play the pred, so sometimes I just...play act them out. No harm in that, right? ^^; Unfortunately, *some* prehistoric fossil named saw it fit to ruin my fun. That rex has no sense of humor... >.<;

🎨 -

74 355

Buenas! Yo hago friki-diseños para camisetas... parodias, humor...


6 9

Day5: meme

Sorry,there’s no big punch line😂
I just wanted to draw a bold and mean Hansung😈
Please give me a sense of humor...🥺

★English & Japanese

28 111

Y sus personajes siempre me transmiten ternura y humor...

0 4

Sassiest sense of humor...
Life and drawing is existential screaming but at least something good comes out of it (most of the time)!
come share your art!

3 11

Humor Bizarro>>>>>>Humor Adulto
Y hablando de humor...

- "Que tal otro chiste Atom?"

0 2

the way they shaped my humor..... and the way this show made me wanna animate.......... and here i am studying animation.......... ! waaah ! { blood cw }

1 6

i have a weird sense of humor.... just show me this picture of malleus and my lungs will instantly burst

10 60

Quando eu digo q minha arte depende do meu humor... É LITERALMENTE VERDADE KKKKK

9 48

You drive me to insanity.. you know that? But the good kind.. can't stop thinking about you" he mumbled to her.

"Yeah...The universe has a ironic sense of humor...sometimes i can't you out of my head as well" she told him with a smirk.

21 183

El siempre fiel a su cita con la actualidad, y el humor... aunque sea negro! Gracias por vuestra valentía!

62 106

Artist Alley Spotlight!

Cute 'n' Deadly
About: Hello, Mykel here, artist of Cute 'n' Deadly! I am an artist who enjoys both cute and lewd stuff with an amazing sense of humor...Hope you can tell from my stuff ;D

FB: @ CuteandDeadly

0 3

I’ve always loved Seventeen because of their music, their choreo, their sense of humor... actually EVERYTHING because of the happiness they give every time.

So, thank you Seventeen.

Trans. by

23 84

Y como le prometí que le hacia unas ilustraciones si acababa el cuento con alegria, cariño y buen humor... pues aqui os las muestro (los personajes).

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