For another feature, these eagle rays appear in the 1843 Naturalist's Library.

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Happy Here is Acanthurus chirurgus - a doctorfish tang with some really neat 20% off link ->

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For this week's I chose a tetra with beautifully red fins, Hyphessobrycon columbianus.

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Happy In case you didn't see them, here are my final images of a sea goldie (Pseudanthias squamippinis). Check out those nifty teeth and that crazy ctenoid scale!

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I cleared and stained a sea goldie (Psuedanthias squamipinnis) quite a long time ago. Finally finished up the fine details on the image! I positively love their faces and teeth!

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Love this thread! I'll be starting my PhD in the fall but have been working on herpetology and ichthyology research the past few years. Lately my art has been focused on sharing my passions for cephs and science.

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I've enjoyed being able to produce new this week. For I'm very pleased to share Acanthurus chirurgus, a doctorfish tang. It was difficult to keep those lateral line scales on, but it was well worth it.

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Happy Enjoy this cleared and stained red scorpionfish (Scorpaena scrofa)! Of the three I've completed, this one is by far my favorite.

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Happy I've been super busy lately, so no new images. I do have many jars of completed c/s specimens waiting though! For now, I hope everyone enjoys this little mosquito fish (Gambusia affinis) and her awesome little teeth!

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Day 22 of Fundulus olivaceus, a blackspotted topminnow. Fundulus are perhaps among my favorite fishes. []

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Day 20 of Scorpaena scrofa, a red scorpionfish. I love that I was able to get the fins to display and the jaws to stay open. Plus, those long cirrae on the head are just beautiful. []

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My favorite creation from this year has to be my composition of Selene vomer (a lookdown). From staining the specimen to imaging and post-precessing, it was definitely one of my more time consuming (and rewarding) images.

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Happy If you haven't had a chance to see them, I've completed three new fishy projects over the past few days, including one this morning! Fundulus olivaceus, Scorpaenopsis diabolus, and Pterygoplichthys pardalis!

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Another new fish! Pterygoplichthys pardalis, the Amazon sailfin catfish. That armor looks amazing! Cleared and stained back in 2016....I just recently found the time to photograph and I spent much of yesterday working on it.

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The last of the three scorpionfishes that I have been working on since the middle of Summer is done. Scorpaenopsis diabolus, a devil scorpionfish. All three are here. Scorpaenopsis diabolus, Scorpaena scrofa, and Scorpaenopsis macrochir.

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I revisited one of my older images and decided that I was unhappy with it. So, I re-imaged the specimen from scratch, knowing I could now do better. Fundulus olivaceus, a blackspotted topminnow.

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