artfight revenge attacks! friendly fire revenge for and a revenge attack for HybridStarscapes!

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Last time on the party was split! Carl Harris the Int officer & his synth was seduced by the good side of the force, & Devon Horner found his heart, but Corp agent Clarice Ritter & her MEAT bot grabbed Luci Adams & joined the shady IO agent Saemus to blow up the Ship!

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Join us tonight for a Oneshot on due to player issues as opposed to our normal programming!

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Join us 2nite for the 3rd installment of Last time we left off on an exciting cliffhanger as the party was torn in twain following the chaos of battle aboard their ship! Find out what fate the hold 4 these soldiers on

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Don't miss the 1st session of our 1st campaign of on We're live! Join the human soldiers as our boys fly off to war!

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