Finally Drew a map for the Centerpiece City that will feature in the campaign I've roped & into! A Neo-Noir crime thriller inspired by Drive, Hotline Miami, & the Maria Ying colabs.

Tune in Saturday Nights in October on

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and i play it a lot on our Twitch channel, Dieselshot! is a queer and feminist scifi inspired ttrpg set in the Trinity, Orion’s Arm’s first interpecies Union.hoping to get it ready to publish by the end of summer

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Working on the art for this week’s on Check out their kickstarter! They just added another stretch goal!

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We’re playing the FIRST ACTUAL PLAY of SUCCESSFUL, ONGOING KICKSTARTER, On We’re here, we’re queer, support this kickstarter and watch us play the fame in our own special way!

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is trending on twitter today and lemme just say i am FOR IT

Throwback to my campaign setting we designed in the first season of

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Tune in for more action as our heroes reel from the battle that came to their mountain-top keep on

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I do a lot of Sketch and Inked art for the Twitch channel

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Tonight is the final or pen-ultimate episode of on Our characters started as soldiers of the empire and are now heading the rebelion's strike team!

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I'm going to stream some art and prep on Tune in if you want to see me in the process of drawing some People Portraits!

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Probably going to do another art stream today on I have at least 3 portraits to draw before tonight's exciting second part of A thrilling adventure set in a dying colony on an oil-rig

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Don't miss the 1st session of our 1st campaign of on We're live! Join the human soldiers as our boys fly off to war!

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We're live with another exciting session! Join us for Hivefall on

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Black sails have begun to infest the waters of just as harpies infest the sky. Rumours have it that these pirates serve Daemonic powers & feed their hostages to the harpies at the behest of notorious Dread Captain, Sealord Jasper! Tune in 2nite on

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Must say I had an absolute blast running tonight's session. Thank you all for coming out! The players & their characters were an absolute blast. I'm so happy to be working with such a wonderful crew on Join us next Sat for a guest host!

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Join us tonight for another exciting stream, on Tune in and turn up!

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Oh shiiit the tentacle monster worm has emerged from the ground! Right in the center of a poacher's tent! It's initiative time on

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Tune in for our first 1shot on

We'll be showing off all the lovely I've been making for the tileset and I'll be playing a disgruntled secretary in the universe of my favorite film!

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Join us tonight for another exciting episode of our on Enjoy our tiles set to be released later in the week in "#ApocalypticAmericana" as well as our costumes and sultry voices!

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