Comecei com uma casinha na praia e terminei com uma num lago

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Yo, its been a fun inktober yall.
Thanks for even seeing my art.

No more daily post, but expect higher quality :)

Day 31: Risk

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INKTOBER! Day 31, Risk!
For today the inspiration was Ashley taking the risk to explore the back doors alone. 🚪

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Day 31: Risk

Last but not least, you're risking just by staring at Jinx pointing a gun at you! So hyped for the launch of

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[inktober day 31: risk]
happy last day!!!!! here's paul atreides ft. a pun of 冒 (risk) bc it has both the sun and eye radical :D


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Day 31 - final day, final art of this month, that was quite a fun month, and a enjoyable inktober, im happy for participating on it along with multiple artist's through the internet, also each one of you that support me, thank you so much.

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"Risk" (and "Disguise") Kentober 2021, day 31. "Gabriel realized he didn't consider the RISKs when he put on his big sister's wizard DISGUISE!"

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IT's THE LAST QUINKTOBER!!! Quinktober day 31. There was a young man of Nepal...Who went to a fancy dress ball...He thought he would risk it...and go as a biscuit...But a dog ate him up in the hall.

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Day 31 - Risk

Last day of Inktober, it was hard to keep up with the pace, but worth it until the end. I can feel a slight improvement by being forced to draw everyday.
Thats it, hope you like

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Going to be trying to get back into this using some OCs. Also inking digitally this year to practice on my iPad.

And that finally ends Inktober! Look forward to more of these personal characters in the future!

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