Work in Progress: still unsure of myself when it comes to what this new world I’m playing in is all about. But that’s ok... maybe it’s just the need to do something different .

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Work in Progress: the beginnings of a new thought process for my art. Halos, windows, peeks into beyonds... we’ll see where this takes me

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After 4 years of daily use, my Applepencil quits his job. I will hold him in honor. To my dismay, I had to realize that it always costs 100 € 😩#workinprogess

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“Kid, don't threaten me. There are worse things than death, and uh, I can do all of them.”

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Sneaky peek at the illustration I started last night. Started watching season 2 of last night so I was inspired 😼

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That guy was vorn on the 20.04. and he's living it. XD
(ignore the misshaped hand :P)

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This commission piece is already a long overdue haha school is really eating up my whole sched but here's a post just to put some activity in my art feed.

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You saw the right hand. Here’s the left. The full work is almost done. Excited to share it on June 14. .

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