Já eu não assisti o anime, mas vi alguns trechos que pintam o Jiren como um mega vilão, quando ele é um cara que está só lutando pra manter seu universo em um torneio causado pelo…. Goku!

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Always like to go back to drawing Dragon ball to see if I still can make anything resembling the characters. Trying some crazy shots like a different angle on this kick from UI Goku against Jiren! :O

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Kid Gohan vs Jiren (equal stats)

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Kefla, Z Buddy, Gotenks, Jiren

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Lil gift for for the holiday season :) 💜

14 40

Daily Jiren

When Jiren goes into space, he doesn't hold his breath. Space holds its breath.

43 167

Daily Jiren

Jiren doesn't look for inner peace
Inner peace looks for Jiren

69 381

Damn that’s crazy
Anyway look at Jiren’s ass https://t.co/KFv4ZBKzzV

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Redraw of one of my favorite moments in DBS
Hope u like it :D

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Dark King Demigra show his overwhelming power against UIO Goku and Aeos. Everybody, especially Jiren are shock by watching the explosion!

Demigra has brought chaos in the Super Space-Time Tournament!

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Daily Jiren

When Jiren does a push-up, he doesn't push himself up. He pushes the entire universe down.

54 238

Aquí hize una animación buen chingona de Goku con cáncer cerebral y Jiren autista 😎🤙

Ok ya enserio, está mamada la hize en unos 5 minutos, habría tardado menos si el puto gartic phone tuviese la opción de acercar la puta imagen para tener mejor control del dibujo >:'v

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Daily Jiren

When Jiren catches fire, the fire gets burned.

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