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"more followers on twitter = more power in the real world, so if you follow JKR you're pretty much funding the anti-trans lobby" is some toddler-brained shit, I'm sorry

0 3

oh nothing just unearthing this sketch of akc in jkr's sweaty smelly jacket

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Mr and Mrs Dursley, I suppose. I don't think I have ever drawn them.

The mandatory JKR is a garbage human, I support trans rights and my goal is to make Harry Potter series as queer as I can.

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Pottergame: strange little parody of ps1 era potter? JKR bashing is encouraged <3
Sunblaze (DEMO): Celeste-a-like? haha go figure
Maiden & Spell (DEMO): bullet hell type thing? idk I heard music is good tho
Depanneur Nocturne - go to a store and look for a gift

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Stumbled on my old HP RP arts I did back in 2015ish of my HP OCs w/ other artists's HP OCs.

Me cries
Miss those who rp w/ me back then, & miss Sarah Rookwood my HP OC.

I do consider to bring this back & explore her. My love for HP tarnished by jkr. Hurtful to see my oc here ngl

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Rowling stated Harry was never a Horcrux.

" definition, a Horcrux has to be made intentionally...[He] did not become an evil object...he didn't have curses upon him that the other Horcruxes had." (PC-JKR1)

by Iren Horrors

0 11

The American editor changed Sybill to Sibyll.

JKR preferred Sybill "because while it keeps the reference to the august clairvoyants of old, it is really no more than a variant the unfashionable female name 'Sybil'" (WW).

by Makani

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Again, anti-semitic features. JKR did this in Harry Potter. Plus the added thing of being alcoholics, hoarding wealth, or being kleptomaniacs is an issue. Looking at you CR. This goes for all goblinoids also

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JKR couldn't reveal the 12 uses of dragon blood because "the movie script writer wants me to give him that information for the film" (SFC). That was in 1999. Wasn't in the film, we still don't know.

by MaryQuize

2 6

"Toots, Shoots, 'n' Roots" Radio Show

Bouncing bulbs losing height?
Devil's Snare merely tickling?
Fanged Geranium nothing but gums?
Then tune your wireless to
Toots, Shoots 'n' Roots (JKR)

by Lightmaker

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“‘What if I’m in Slytherin?’
The whisper was for his father alone, and Harry knew that only the moment of departure could have forced Albus to reveal how great and sincere that fear was”
— JKR (DH Epilogue)

by Hilly Minne

0 9

“‘Don’t forget to give Neville our love!’ Ginny told James as she hugged him.
‘Mum! I can’t give a Professor love!’
‘But you know Neville -‘
James rolled his eyes.”
— JKR (DH Epilogue)

by HogwartsHorror

0 6

“‘Oh, it would be lovely if they got married!’ whispered Lily ecstatically. ‘Teddy would really be part of the family then!’
‘He already comes round for dinner about four times a week,’ said Harry.”
— JKR (DH Epilogue)

by Aidinera

4 17

"'The thing that was hidden in the Snitch,' he began. 'I dropped it in the Forest. I don't know exactly where, but I'm not going to go looking for it again. Do you agree?'
'My dear boy, I do' said Dumbledore"
— JKR (DH36)

by Ottowl

0 10

"They wanted him there with them, their leader and symbol, their saviour and their guide, and that he had not slept, that he craved the company of only a few of them, seemed to occur to no one"
— JKR (DH36)

by Ottowl

2 7

"Tom Riddle hit the floor with a mundane finality, his body feeble & shrunken, the white hands empty, the snake-like face vacant & unknowing. Voldemort was dead, killed by his own rebounding curse, & Harry stood with two wands in his hand"
— JKR (DH36)

by Lisa M. Rourke

4 19

"'Is Draco alive? Is he in the castle?' [...]
'Yes,' he breathed back.
He felt the hand on his chest contract; her nails pierced him. Then it was withdrawn. She sat up.
'He is dead!' Narcissa Malfoy called to the watchers"
— JKR (DH36)

by Amy Pearson

0 12

“‘Harry.’ He spread his arms wide, and his hands were both whole and white and undamaged. ‘You wonderful boy. You brave, brave man. Let us walk.’”
— JKR (DH35)

by Ottowl

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"Finally, the truth. Lying with his face pressed into the dusty carpet of the office where he had once thought he was learning the secrets of victory, Harry understood at last that he was not supposed to survive"
— JKR (DH34)

by HogwartsHorror

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