In case someone already dreamed of making a FAN art of me.
I have already made a leo_0. 1(alpha) character ref sheet!
Wich also means I probably will start working on bringing him to life in a v-tuber world!
Keep tuned to know if I succeed in beating the lazyness up or not :D

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The fact Dazai has been carrying a sleeping Chuuya effortlessly on his back and caught him in his arms like a feather from the sky shows he was holding back his true strenght only by lazyness,expressing his real strong protective side to take care of Chuuya when he was vulnerable

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I couldn't find the other @ srry!
A fanart of 2 of my favourite childhood youtubers! I'm kinda sick at the moment so sorry for the lazyness!
Tack för att ni gjorde min barndom bättre!

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IT'S FINALLY FINISHED!! After 9 days it's finally done lol (it's because of my lazyness im sorry😩)
Real time: 10 hours and 51 minutes :DD
Im glad all of you said yall like them! Thank you so muchhh :DD

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Random redraw of my weird "what if Nachiko transforms herself in to her beast for but she just gets to hee midway point" idea.
(Sorry for the lazyness im not "feeling it" rn...)

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Lore art except im a day late and the artwork in bnw because of lazyness-

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So having to deal with my lazyness and art block for the past few weeks, I finally decided to draw the Raiden Shogun cause she has "intrigued" me very much~

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it would be boring to repeat one thing that could be interpreted by you as lazyness or lack of interest.. then even when repeating or seems like a recycled rutine..

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"you've met with a terrible fate haven't you"

Thing that was meant to be finished 2 days ago but didn't finished due to lazyness, more nocturn Spet adventures


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here, just here...take it.....TAKE- *DIES OUT OF lazyness* :)

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I come showing off En’toska, Zandalari boy who is just genuinely true lazyness in troll form, he does nothing but collect rocks within himself and just fucking vibe on beaches

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december ranboo and tubbo vs june ranboo and tubbo (doodles because... lazyness)

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I've been busy with bird days and after that i was felling funky because a fever
but you know me
I never stop drawing despite my predicament (except lazyness and uhh maybe motivation)

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welp i forgot to post once more, got distracted with games and u h h h h not lazyness
but that doesnt matter, what does matter here is that i have made more practice and some wacky tired solars
and look Solar's Tennis (he doesnt even know what he is doing)

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Meet Mat, a character from my webcomic Dedalo!
if I can win over my lazyness you will be getting some updates soon enough 💖

Look at him, he's the worst, definitely not one of my favorite characters

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Gonna falcon punch away at least most of my lazyness in me today! 🙃

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There are some other sprites that I didn't add cuz of lazyness X_X

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Doodled this "kind of pinup" Daniel today to fight lazyness 👊

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