Ever notice the main entrees of meals get the best spa experiences😁🍗👔I guess it's fitting before they're eaten😋

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Can't have Thanksgiving without a Turkey Roast🍗😂 I'm so thankful for everyone who follows, likes and comments on my comics🥰 Happy Thanksgiving🍻

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You best bet I'd have some holiday puns😆😁🍗 What's your best holiday pun😄🥧(doesn't have to be for Thanksgiving)?

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What's your favorite tea🍵 I recently discovered peach ginger tumeric😋 Stay safe and healthy as the weather gets colder🥶❄️

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Confession time...I first tried Boba Tea this year🤯🧋 Now that I have, I'm just like you fellow kids🤟 What's your favorite flavor of Boba Tea/Coffee😊

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