Happy St.Patrick's Day🍀🌈💰 I am somewhat superstitious, especially with knocking on wood😳 Do you have any superstitions🤔😄

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Happy International Women's Day😄 I'd love some suggestions of female content creators in comments (transwomen included as well👍)

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I usually don't get political on my comic😅 but I do watch various political content😵‍💫 Someday they'll hear me through the TV screen😆📺

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Who are you rooting for this season🏈 I'm rooting for the commercials😄🤟 If you live outside the US, do you watch American football🤔

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This year we've been getting more rain than normal, but we're stumbling into a dry patch😊🌦 What's the weather like by you😄☀️⛈

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Which passenger are you🤔🚗 My mom loves the second panel so much I gave her a print for Christmas😄

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