Friends and I were dicking around in a Monster Girl creator and I got too invested and I drew mine and now she's an octopus girl with an angler fish gf

0 7

Happy birthday Haru, my fluffy angel!! ❤️💖🥰🥳

This is the piece I was talking about being super proud of last week, I'm happy I can finally post it now! I tried out a new style here and I really really like it, I hope you do too!

21 57

Watching the Smash Direct yesterday- particularly the World of Light cut scene- was an emotional rollercoaster! I may not have picked the best time/place to watch it, haha

14 51

H'aanit as a Fire Emblem archer.
I tried to make the booby hole smaller than it is in Awakening but I think H'aanit would still be displeased by it, haha.

7 22

Wanted to draw Loki but didn't want to draw her ridiculous outfit so I... revamped it a bit? Her outfit is just really dumb sorry not sorry lmao

22 70

The full size of my Where's Walhart submission for the ! :)
Of course you know I had to draw Sonya, lol. Who else?
I hella procrastinated on this so I had to get it done in two days, lol. Woopsie! Haha.

51 208

I heard a new Soul Calibur game is coming out this month and it made me a bit nostalgic.
I played SC2 lot as a kid and I liked using Ivy because she had HUGE badonkers but I was too dumb to figure out I liked girls until over a decade later.

2 13

OK, here's my Bowsette/Peachowser with all the different hair/skin combos so everybody can be happy! I wanted to draw a more fashionable/cute outfit instead of just the same dress everyone else draws; I had fun designing it.

6 18

Baby u r my... ANGEEELLLLLLL!!!
Did a quick drawing of Laegjarn since drawing a character seems to grant luck and I really want to be able to pull her when the banner drops in an hour... I LOVE YOU!!

18 59

Updating my avatar with the pic I made for the compendium yearbook. :)

0 5

Day 16 of : Pajamas
I'm like 100% sure that H'aanit sleeps naked but I already drew her naked before so I'm just making her wear really comfy loose pjs
Oh also I drew her with her hair down

2 10

Day 14 of : Super Hero
I wanted to do something that wasn't just tacky and obvious with a cape and a logo on the chest, but still clearly conveyed "superhero". I tried channeling Hawkeye/Green Arrow vibes; hopefully it comes across.

1 13

Day 12 of : Monster
Pretty self explanatory, I don't have much to say about this one. lol

8 15

Day 11 of : Fancy
I was very conflicted over whether to draw H'aanit in a suit or dress for this theme, but I just love designing dresses too much, haha. (Spoilers: She'll be in a suit tomorrow.) :)

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Day 10 of : Holiday Spirit/Ugly Sweater
This was just an excuse for me to draw a stupid pun, LOL. I actually own a sweater that is very similar to this one.

3 12

Day 2 of : Knight and Armor
Wow, my least favorite thing to draw! Haha! Fuck armor! :) I think she looks pretty nice though.

3 13

Day 1 of : Character Base
H'aanit won the poll so this is what I'm doing! I'm excited for the rest of the month; I hope I can keep up! Haha

4 15

I'm so happy Maribelle is here! Please come home some more, sweetie 😘

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Oh also I decided to update my avatar again so here it is

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Some emotes I made for the Florina discord group. :)

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