thou art the mightiest in the void and ender of days

10 30

Daddy Melkor and baby Glaurung
I needed this.

134 538


5 20

Melkor Mancin’s Chloe character dressed up in Goblin Queen cosplay along with Clive & Barker as her cute, adorable demonic minions.

2 22

“in all the deeds of melkor [...] sauron had a part [...] but in after years he rose like a shadow of morgoth and a ghost of his malice and walked behind him on the same ruinous path down into the void.”

— valaquenta; the silmarillion

— the seduction of mairon
© bohemianweasel

34 149

"Sauron quickly grew from captive to adviser & was known as Zigûr the Wizard, he seduced the King. He converted many Númenóreans to the worship of Darkness becoming High Priest of a Melkor cult. He had the White Tree cut down & in its place raised a great Temple."

15 78

This is all I have for green OCs.

[1] Melko Boltet (barmaid outfit)
[2] Piph
[3] Warren

1 2

here's some older works I've done. Aragorn and Arwen, Legalos, Manwë and Ulmo, and Melkor(Morgoth).

170 715

Hich bin Dramelko! ^^ Ich bin nicht sehr gut im vorstellen also schicke ich einfach einpaar meiner Zeichnungen rein xD

0 4

Le defeat of Morgoth/Melkor has arrived | u/knightfluttershy |

0 1

Woke up with soft angbang brain worms thinking about Melkor's return from Valinor and Sauron seeing his scorched hands💔

13 37

My reference sheet is complete! Meet Melkor Acedia, the Noonday Demon.

Art credits go to , thank you for your work!

6 32

"So came Tulkas the Strong, whose anger passes like a mighty wind, scattering cloud and darkness before it; and Melkor fled before his wrath and his laughter".

1 10

Enää 99 päivää jouluaattoon!
Joko olette hankkineet kinkun, joululahjat, kuusen ja melko selväpäisen joulupukin?!

Ei paniikkia, aloitetaan tärkeimmästä.

Adventtikalenterit meiltä (nyt kun niitä vielä saa)

3 11

Melkor se erguía ante el Rey como una torre coronada de hierro y el vasto escudo, negro y sin blasón, arrojaba una sombra de nubes tormentosas. Pero Fingolfin brillaba debajo como una estrella y desenvainó la espada Ringil, que relució como el hielo ❄️.

🎨Ted Nasmith

13 70

"Birth of the Orcs. In this drawing I wanted to visually explore the suffering of those that Melkor used to deform them and turn them into the orc race.

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