Took a break from trying to draw dinosaurs while artblocked, so sketched something else as a break.

Have Morgoth! 🔹🔷🔹

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Funko Concept: Pop! Story Idea: The Lord of the Rings Sequel- Morgoth

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"Entre los servidores con nombre de Morgoth, el más grande fue ese espíritu a quien los Eldar llamaron Sauron o Gorthaur el Cruel.”
(El Silmarillion, Valaquenta)

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Ok, so this is a black-and-whited and bat-stickered Photoshop by Raven Morgoth, created from a stock photo by Teresa Yeh.

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Morgoth, a very powerful but lazy and sleepy lich

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Death Metal 🇩🇪

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I think the common interpretation of Melkor spreading strife among the Noldor is that these rumors reached Feanor second/third-hand… but think of the comedic potential of Melkor trying

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PERO!! En 2012 no tenía ni idea de composición, pero creé una de mis obras favoritas. Los Altos de Thangorodrim. Morgoth iba a ser el protagonista, pero Sauron surgió del fondo para robarle el papel. Este es el siguiente secreto. Tu obra vive, te habla, tiene voluntad propia.

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It's his Yule gift to himself ^^

(I don't celebrate, but Merry Crisis to those that do!)

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Morgoth y los Silmarils de Justin Gerard (

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The Silmarillion,The First DarkLord Morgoth and Souron - Irulana

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War of Wrath - firatsolhan

he War of Wrath, also called the Great Battle, was a war of Elves, Men, and Valar against Morgoth that marked both the end of the First Age and of Morgoth's rule in Middle-earth

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sorry ma'am, this rather reminded me of an NFT. Looks like shit, yknow?
anyway, really curious on where you're getting this top tier info about my personality from? Is it because I have a tiny little indicator in small text on my profile? You're so smart, Morgoth

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I think about this painting at least once a week... someday I'm going to order a print

Morgoth vs. Fingolfin by GaleriFoton on etsy >>

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