Four artists.
⚡Juan Giménez
⚡ Valentin Sécher
⚡ Niko Henrichon

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appreciation post, because nobody does cosmic carnage like him. From Second Cycle, written by &

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I started reading because I was told it was a Dune-esque space opera illustrated by the masterful Juan Giménez.

I finished reading Metabarons because it was the most bizarre thing I've ever seen & I needed the full experience.

Fanart, to commemorate the wild ride

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Juan Giménez's cover art for The Metabarons makes it look like an RPG.

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One Metabaron. Four legendary artists.
⚡ Mœbius
⚡ Juan Giménez
⚡ Valentin Sécher
⚡ Niko Henrichon

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Inspired by The Metabarons, a personal project by our Sr Concept Artists .

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Which Metabaron would you want to read new stories about the most?
⚡ Great-Great-Grandfather Othon
⚡ Great Grandfather Aghnar
⚡ Grandfather Steelhead
⚡ Father/Mother Aghora
⚡ The Last Metabaron

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Finally picked up the Weapons of the Metabaron by Charest and Jodorowski (and Janjetov).
You’d need the Hubble telescope to make out all the detail. I might take photos of every panel for a reread. Story’s loopy shite but it’s 29 new pages of painted Charest

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ICYMI: we're offering the elusive jam "In the Heart of the Impregnable Metabunker" on ! Experience two gods at work in this 8-page story for $.99.

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es una aventura escrita por con arte de y Zoran Janjetov. Sin Nombre irá a los límites de un mundo lleno de peligros, para conquistar las armas que pueden destruir el universo. Cómprala en (solo Stgo).

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Un honor poder participar en el homenaje a Juan Giménez 🤘🏼

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May everyone absorb the Castakan Lord's Birthmark on this glorious Father's Day!

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How about doing a story using this style?

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I added "No-Name, the Metabaron." to my deviantART gallery:

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The Metabaron; a posthumous tribute to Juan Giménez, an amazing artist we just lost to the virus.
His art in this series elevated Jodorowsky's writing into something transcendent.

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The Metabaron; a posthumous tribute to Juan Giménez, an amazing artist we just lost to the virus.

His art in this series elevated Jodorowsky's writing into something transcendent.
El Metabarón; un tributo póstumo a Juan Giménez, un artista increíble…

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WIP:  The Metabaron; a posthumous tribute to Juan Giménez, an amazing artist we just lost to the virus.
En Proceso:  El Metabarón; un tributo póstumo a Juan Giménez, un artista increíble que acabamos de perder al virus.

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