🚨 Alert 🚨
In celebration of 250 followers, I'm giving away items from the ecosystem--3 winners! 💥

🥈Baby Cub Tiger
🥉5 $METL

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Drawing on Thanksgiving Day! 🦃

119 141

Cluckin' great pickup wow!! 🐓👽 Congrats!


1 10

The largest number of “staked” (“forged” - staking, but done right.)

And, it’s not where you think. Feel free to attempt to prove otherwise.

What does this mean? The most successful staking program in Payouts in a sound money token: $METL 📊⚒️

14 18

Welcome home to my first lady 🦸‍♀️! Can't wait to journey her through the Until then she will earn $METL in the 🔥⚒🪙


5 23

After seeing a 1000 rugs i must say being part of the eco system has been a dream… team is working and available every day…rewards holders , over delivering and innovating in this space like no other project $METL

2 8

Another top tier project you should know about:

Token: $METL (Swap to eth)
Earnings: 1-2% of floor price/month
How2Earn: Use a to forge NFTs from the ecosystem
Team: + others smart ppl

29 44

Just forged my extra Liquid keys, now they are also earning $METL . Do your earn you passive income?

6 11

Doing things completely different! They participate like any other holder. Always active, engaging with the community and they never stop expanding the dynamics of our ecosystem.

2 12

Alliances are made, the game is on. Domination is our goal.
The mighty
and have combined forces. Pope and King together. We are coming for all the $METL.

12 24

As a proud member of the best super community around I ask myself regularly. Should I buy Apes, Tigers, Keys, Legends, Invaders, Artefacts, Memberships, METL. is a welcoming, profitable and fun one stop shop...come see what the fuss is all about! Only way is up baby

14 29

Founders and core team active and present in discord practically all of the time. Daily educational spaces. They even let the community be part of their Monday meeting. That’s transparency 💥

5 15