The art was originally named “a date with daddy Mysta(Rias)”
But I decided to ruin the romantic atmosphere (check my pinned tweet for the romantic version.)
Mystakes, please enjoy Mysta’s sweat and saliva

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ehehe Terrence from my story animated (i was bored ok)

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Sí, jo sóc aquell tipus de persona que en el seu dia va donar una oportunitat a perquè el "prota" s'assemblava a en Son Gohan.

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In my story most kingdoms of the Eedeor peninsula are ruled by the wonderful, immortal Nobles, whose power is undisputed by all. People believe them to be demigods sent to guide humanity.

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Hathor and Bastet from my story: The Dating Game - Gods edition ( this pairing just sneak up on me the other day and now i cant forget it)

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i was hoping i can finish this before the clock strikes midnight here, HAPPY NEW YEAR, EVERYONE!!!!!! (let it be better than the last 2)

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Art summary 2021 by chineseghost

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Nun Allyson
En su viaje con Guthrie se topa con Joanna y sus amigos luchando contra Abaddona,uniéndose a ellos.Luego de la lucha esta los lleva al Reino del Rey Zephyr para que entrene.

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Nun Allyson
En su viaje con Guthrie se topa con Joanna y sus amigos luchando contra Abaddona,uniéndose a ellos.Luego de la lucha esta los lleva al Reino del Rey Zephyr para que entrene.

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Keen on filmmaking?

Mark Crane () professional filmmaker, will be running a FREE creative session at Watford Library this Sat, 4th December from 11–4 for anyone 16 or over! Find out more via:

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Another chara creation with a help of a friend, meet Zeke, the loner, lumberjack werewolf with his loyal little companion Elenore the crow

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