The Nameless King - This guy is a beast. Fighting him on the ground is such a powerful moment.

I've recorded this one , I'll edit the video and post it here, somehow.

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Official announcement of the stream <3 I did the sketch/ink/base colors for the picture in advanced so Sunday is all the rendering c:
It will feature a Ornstein/NamelessKing pic = w =

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I was commissioned to draw some bosses from Dark Souls 3 which was so g.d. fun! Done with charcoal pencils and colored pencils with a little bit of gouache for the white splatter.

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A sketch of one of my favorite ships of Dark Souls.

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Ornstein x Nameless King 2016 oldies. I think i'm the only one who headcanon Ornstein with short, blond hair lol

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if Nameless King is a little boy?

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우리 무명왕님 지금은 반뼉다귀지만 젊었을 시절엔 얼마나 미남이었을지 상상도 안갑니다아아아악!!!!!! 흑흑...

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