they are ready for nativity festival!

14 69

El Greco - Natività 1603 ... Buon Natale cara Brin :-)

2 5

Un grande amico che sorga alto su di me
e tutto porti me nella sua luce,
che largo rida ove io sorrida appena
e forte ami ove io accenni a invaghirmi...

V. Sereni

Giotto - Natività -

17 29

Hi Ivona!
You can see my work here:

And here are a few of the more recent ones, Christmas/Nativity/Santa related... 🙂
Happy Holidays!

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Sandro Botticelli. Natividad .El centro de la escena sucede en la pequeña cueva ante la mirada de animales, humanos y ángeles; toda la Creación adorando al Redentor.

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...Margaret Tarrant's Christmas cards showing the Nativity were also stunning. I bought some on Amazon and sent them out to friends before the postal strike started. I think she was one of the best illustrators of her era.

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I want TBOI Gabriel, TMC Gabriel and The Nativity Cartoon Gabriel all have a fistfight of who's the better Gabriel

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Scriverti è un po' come
accarezzarti. Spesso le
parole arrivano prima
delle mani.

Paolo Di Dario

Sandro Botticelli 🖌️

"La mistica natività"

8 17

01006994 BIRTH OF

Height (cm) 28
Width (cm) 22
Length (cm) 14
Porcelain Type Gloss
Sculptor Juan Carlos Ferri Herrero

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Il nostro destino più vero è essere trasformati dall’amore.

- Papa Francesco -

Natività con angeli, 1525

🎨 Parmigianino

21 28

'Winter on an Alien Planet' - Winter on an alien planet isn't much different than here... they even have little alien nativity scenes...

theme! This week hosted by (^Yarb^)

6 44

È Natale ogni volta che
permetti a Dio di amare gli altri attraverso di te.

- Madre Teresa di Calcutta -

🎨 Giotto di Bondone

Natività di Gesù, 1303-1304

22 30

Day 13 of my illustration advent calendar brings gifts from the three Wise Men, plus covid for me 😢

Spot illustration from The Story of the Nativity, beautifully written by Geraldine McCaughrean and published by Orchard Books 🌟

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Wayfarers' Nativity
Rima Staines 2011

11 35