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@Deno511xxx @Mockaljo #Antifa|schismus schützt nicht den Faschismus. Extremismus Nazis sind der Feind eines jeden anständigen Demokraten, wir fördern Schutz der Menschen, Minderheiten, soziale Gerechtigkeit und die Nächstenliebe.
#nonazis #nieWieder
@_MilkyWayWishes as demons, they embody the negative aspects of humanity, so they're drawn to evil things, at the same time, they're just 3 goofballs with no real affiliation with nazis, one's a manlet with mommy issues, another is a bisexual methead, and the other is a dummy who likes to eat
Remember when they tried to make a bunch of 'space nazis' sympathetic?
@ronalyze @ulle_schauws Trans- ist keine Frauenfeindlichkeit. Ich bon angeglichener Transgender, gesetzlich eine Frau also Transfrau und ehre Frauen. Ob Mann, Frau, #LGBTQIA-Community wir sind alle Menschen und sollen Antifaschismus und Nächstenliebe leben.
#nonazis #nieWieder
@NChiggi Entgegengesetzt dem Wesen von Joanne K. Rowling, würde #Trans-FREUNDLICHKEIT ihr viel besser stehen. @jk_rowling Wir Transmenschen nicht nette Leute. 😍 Das Selbstbestimmungsgesetz ist ein wichtiger und richtiger Schritt, wert zu unterstützen.
Nächstenliebe ist wichtig! #nonazis
@WiderstandB Walter Lübcke hatte sogar international mit seiner Aussage recht:
Wenn es Extremisten nicht gefällt, können sie gerne auswandern. Niemand hält sie auf!
#Luebcke #nonazis #nieWieder
Wir leben Nächstenliebe, egal welche Hautfarbe, egal welche Religion.
Decided to change my fancomic cyberdemon a bit.
Old dickhead, provided nazis with argent tech during Wolfenstein, fought 1v1 against BJ himself, lost the fight and got out of it with almost half of his body missing. Absolutely hates the Blazkowicz bloodline because of it.
La grande tela,proveniente dal Fregio Reinhardt di Berlino entrò nella collezione di Olsen,che negli anni '30 la nascose in un fienile per impedirne il sequestro da parte dei nazisti.A marzo andrà all'asta con una stima di $15-25 milioni
Munch"Dance on the Beach"1906 (clic imm.)
@2WrongMakeRight I'd like to point out that Magento is Holocaust survivor and do you know what other minority group got sent to concentration camps by Nazis? Magneto may be a mutant supremacist at times but has contempt for all human bigotry down to his bones. He tries to kill Red Skull on sight.
CW: nazism , antisemitism , auschwitz //
why do people like OP exist https://t.co/F48hRAfRmp
@Treblebaps Something that I think only me and my friends really knows about is that she has drawn pictures of Nazis and is part of Nazi fetish groups on DeviantArt, she even did a second drawing of these Nazi characters, but it's too vulgar for me to post here.
If you think for 1 millisecond that the new #TMNT movie by Seth Rogen WON'T find a way to introduce the new 5th female lesbian turtle then you MUST live in Dimension X. The wokie LGBTQ Nazis in Hollywood won't be able to help themselves. Mark my words she'll be in the movie.😒
"Any resemblance between the characters in this picture and any persons, living or dead, is a miracle." (Film's disclaimer 😂)
🎭 #OTD in #Film #History 19 January 1940, #TheThreeStooges wartime #comedy "You Nazty Spy!", which lampoons the Nazis, was released across 🇺🇸
Edvard Munch painting hidden from Nazis in a Norwegian forest to be auctioned:
How #Munch’s friend hid a masterpiece in a barn to foil the #Nazis. Owner’s family to sell #DanceontheBeach and split up to £20m with descendants of Jewish academic who had to sell it in 1934 https://t.co/MqUYilLwLH
This is the bullshit the Nazis edited to spread hate to their little fascist cult.
Spread the original around to counter what those hateful people have done.
Com todo mundo se acusando de nazista hoje, vi uma pessoa falando que Mamoru Hoshii era nazi e fiquei assim
virtually every Nazi online sees that Russia supports the global right, so the Nazis oppose Ukraine
wild that anyone thinks Russia is the leftmost option