Rippers are simple bioform which lack digestive systems themselves & have minimal organs inside, ensuring it have enough "space" for consuming and storing more biomass within them.

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Tervigon use as one of Bio-ship's defense measures where it wanders inside & when detect intruders it'll spawn hordes of Termagants to repulse the enemy until Bio-ships spawn more capable bioforms

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Tyranid Prime, an apex Warrior-strain, while not as powerful its still capable leading entire swarm as Hive Tyrant would when said bioform or other leader-beast absent or killed. (Tyranid ver. Lieutenant)

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Hive Guards use low telepathic ability to "see" through other bioform's eyes to locate enemy & enable it's Impaler Cannon fire "living spine shard" home into their target even behind cover.

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Malanthropes are very rare bioform only seen far behind Tyranid's assault collecting prey's genetic materials for Hive Fleets & may be responsible for Norn-Queen creating new bioforms

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Sporocyst, while used as one terraforming method, also serve as "psychic resonator" where it boost synapse creature's synaptic range. Thus expanding Hive Mind's influence over lesser bioforms.

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After 2nd Tyrannic War (Kraken), it only took 5 years for 3rd Tyrannic War (Leviathan) begin. Speculations that H.F Kraken are merely diversions for H.F Leviathan to "flank" the galaxy.

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When Tyrannofex under attacked by enemy at close proximity, it will secrete pheromones that attract smaller bio-forms such as Hormagaunts to defend it & attack the enemy.

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Hive Fleet Gorgon have higher adaptation rate than any hive fleets to the point after each wave, Tau forced to replace their weaponry with new & even older models just to overcome Gorgon's adaptation.

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Tyranid Warriors are highly adaptable on battlefield with over 200 variants confirmed so far, making it one of the most versatile bio-form for Hive Fleets to deploy.

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Gaunt's Fleshborer "ammunition" is a beetle that once fired & penetrating armor it begin bore inside & eats through the victim's brain. (in short, slow gruesome death)

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