
Hive Fleet Gorgon would've been destroyed by Imperial Guard & Tau forces if they have not ended their truce prematurely

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Gadrovian the Flesh Sculptor, a Slaanesh Chaos Lord who enjoys mutilating & torturing his victims for his arts, hated the Tyranids due to its lack of sensational horror.

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Hive Guards "centaur-like" body structure are believed to assist carrying the heavy bio-weapon as well mitigating the sheer recoil of Impaler Cannon when fired

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Hive Fleet Leviathan is considered the largest & greatest Hive Fleet to invade the galaxy. So vast it is that seemingly no corner of the Imperium is safe from its reach.

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After Old One Eye emerged from its icy prison, remnants of Behemoths lesser bioforms on Calth view it as their "alpha" & began rampaging throughout populace until stopped by Sergeant Telion

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Genestealers have strong survival instinct. Seeking out and stowaway aboard ships attempting to flee from doomed planet. When arrived on inhabited world, it'll began the Genestealer infestation

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During Octarius War, the Tyranids super-swarm tactics are ineffective against the Ork hordes. Prompting the Hive Mind to deploy more specialized bioforms, bio-titans, & eliminating Ork bosses.

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Spore Mines have no eyes but possess sensitive feelers on skin which seek out heat and vibrations. Enabling it to sense nearby enemies' weapon fire.

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Lictors uses it's Feeder Tendril to lobotomize & devour victim's brain. Absorbing their memories thus gain vital information such as enemy's whereabouts and weaknesses that might be exploited

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So deadly are Hive Fleet Gorgon's toxin that even minor graze from it's venom-dripping fangs/claws can cause horrific damage upon host, rupturing organs & blood turned to caustic black slime.

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Mycetic Spores serve as "drop pods" for Hive Fleets. Hurtling from bioships into planets at high speed while carrying range of bioforms before smashing down on surface & unload its deadly cargo.

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When threatened, Sporocyst will produce Spore Mine clusters or Mucolid Spores in order to kill or slow enemy's advancement until more combat-capable bioforms arrive to eliminate them

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Hormagaunts requires little synaptic guidance as their prominent role is to charge & slaughter any prey in it's path, as well forcing the enemies expend their attacks on them away from vital bioforms

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Sporocyst is a bloated fleshy bioform that after planetfall, will burrow itself to the surface & emits polluting microorganisms. Violently alter the planet’s environment to better suit for Tyranids

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Hive Fleet Gorgon extensively deploy Venomthropes, Toxicrenes & toxin-filled Mycetic Spores to poison and contaminate the planet. Making defending the world, particularly agri-world, largely in vain

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Tyranid Gargoyles often used as shields for larger airborne bioforms such as Harpies or Winged Hive Tyrant. As flocks of them will protect and use it's own body to block incoming enemy attacks.

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Swarmlord's other known alias are "Tyrantlord of the Hive Mind", "Herald of Great Devourer", and "The Destroyer of Kha'la Empire"

(artwork from: https://t.co/4YT1KEQjX1)

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Zoanthropes are powerful psyker bioforms believed to be created using Aeldari DNA. Capable projecting bolts of energy that boils through adamantium plate & disintegrate flesh with ease

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Hive Fleet Tiamet possess unique diamond-hard chitin composite that provides the bioforms excellent protection against energy and kinetic based attacks than any Hive Fleets.

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"Swarm Tyrant" is an obscure Hive Tyrant variant wielding large Fleshborer bioweapon & possess birthing sacs capable producing swarm of Rippers similar manner to Tervigon.

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