Brush strokes of Jupiter's signature atmospheric bands and vortices form this planetary post-impressionist work of art. The creative image uses actual data from the spacecraft's JunoCam, applying an oil-painting software filter

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Painting with Jupiter Brush strokes of Jupiter's signature atmospheric bands and vortices form this planetary post-impressionist work of art. The creative image uses actual data from the Juno spacecraft's JunoCam. To paint on the digital canvas, a image with light and dark t…

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🎨 produced this abstract artwork using data from the imager on .
Here’s how it was made:

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Jovian Masterpiece 🎨 A citizen scientist created this abstract artwork of storms in the northern hemisphere of

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Jove en Rose 🌹

This image from captures a close-up view of a storm in the northern hemisphere of Jupiter. More info:

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Vivimos tiempos difíciles para la clase obrera (¿y cuándo no?), con una izquierda balbuceante y acobardada, y una derecha liberticida, antisocial y corrupta que campa a sus anchas.

Frente a este desastre, qué mejor que el ejemplo de lucha y honestidad de

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Working on updates to my JunoCam processing script in prep for today's flyover and data arrival in a couple days

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