See? Now Cap and Bucky are going on a date with Death bc apparently Death is the most exciting date in Jersey.

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They could have waited three seconds to let the truck go past, but nooooo, they gotta practice their fancy gymnastic stunts for later’s show.

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This issue’s bad guy has a very specific fetish. VERY specific.

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This is, honestly, the least racist thing he calls the indigenous people on this island. The 1940s make me sad.

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They are very excited to talk to Hitler. Like, concerning levels of excited.

Spoiler: zombies are dead. Mr. Death is dead. All are dead dead dead including the hundreds of people on the Brooklyn Bridge. All in a good days work for Captain America!

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Let’s send them to Costco!

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Zombies drive cars now. Also, Cap and Bucky are pretending to be street hobos in hopes of getting picked up by Mr. Death or whatever the bad guy goes by.

This results in...

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This story gets no better. This is the peak. I might turn it into my header image.

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It's getting it's own goal tracker, so you've been warned! Let's say 50 more issues this year? That's not quite four a month. That's reasonable, right?

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Yay! Bucky saved! Some bad guys are caught after this, but the whole bad guy plot is super boring.

Spoilers: the bad guys were the ones recruited to help find Bucky, so of course they never Yahoo-ed.

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Unnecessary Bucky-saving Cap butt.

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He misses Bucky so bad, he needs everyone else to yahoo, too.

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They then continue to whisper to each other and don’t pretend to be unconscious when they meet the bad guy. This is a terribly executed plan, Cap.

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“Let’s have a snuggle party!”

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I wasn’t going to do an for this last story of issue 20, but the it became the Save Bucky show. This is the worst title of a story so far.

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They seem real concerned about Steve disappearing and possibly being kidnapped by the people they want to kill. /sarcasm

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How exactly did they go from boyscout uniforms to their costumes? WHERE WERE THOSE COSTUMES HIDING?

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We now have proof Steve and Bucky inappropriately share a tent cot.

Spoiler: evil book burnt, Catman (who was some rando from one panel at the beginning) is dust, the tomb of the witch lady collapses and kills the only Egyptian that appears this comic, more potatoes

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What’s happening: Catman gassed them and had his minions wrap them up like mummies, not thinking to see if they were dead.

What I’m thinking: Cap has said this before, hasn’t he?

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First, narrator, tell us what you really think. Second, how many potatoes does this army eat? It’s all Steve and Bucky do when they aren’t in army jail.

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