Uh oh, someone is aiming to take Bucky’s job! Go for the knees, Buck!

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While the bad guys may have changed, the battle butt shots have not.

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And Captain America is an arsonist now. When people are in the building. Including the girl who expects him to rescue her. Cool.

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Oh, shit, someone is pointing out that Steve is a terrible person who took a little boy to a war! Am I going to like comic book Sharon?

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No. Don’t do this to me again, comic.

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Oh no, now Steve’s body has disappeared! I mean, good for getting out of cuffs, but unhelpful for helping your unconscious husband.

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Oh no, a girl got into the GRLS NOT ALLOWED CLUB!! All the Hydra goons are going to explode from proximity.

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The group beat up Hydra minions and dressed up in their terrible outfits to listen to the head Hydra dude tell them about a very stupid weapon. Isn’t the whole point of weapons to remove life?

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Tony Stark’s brain boys machine seems to have made Cap’s body disappear. Or someone just slapped a Cap sticker awkwardly in the middle of this panel before they scanned it in.

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🧐😳 but he’s married to Steve!

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Wow. Just… wow. At least this replacement Bucky has brown hair even if he’s a blackmailer. No one is going to notice Cap yelling Bucky’s old battle cry.

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Oh, Steve, why do you always hang out with younger men without a shirt? And why is Zorro making an appearance?

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Wait a second, Old Steve is asked to run Shield, and he like, “Naah, make Bucky do it.”

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Dude, Steve, it says “Hydra” right there! Also, look at that fashionable outfit.

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Steve thought he was so clever breaking all those rules and getting away with it…

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Spoiler alert: that rando does not take care of his eye bc he is Nick Fury.

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SKULLY!! You’re looking a little worse for wear. I think WW2 is getting to him, which might be why he created a 20 year stun gun and buried Zemo in the basement.

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Blast! indeed, weird fin-headed robot man. Haste makes waste, and you suck as an evil robot trying to replace JFK.

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Here we go, explaining what we can clearly see is happening and this bad guy robot is real bad at having his robot minions blend in to enact his “kill all the humans” plan.

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