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My old Gijinka ORAS team 😌 Ah, good times, there was no rhyme nor reason to my choices other than aesthetics 😌 (This is like 4 years old) #oras #pokemon #omegaruby #alphasapphire #ninetails #absol #frosslass #gardevoir #milotic #masquerain #gijinka #pokemongijinka
I've been playing #omegaruby for the first time (bc what else do you do in your downtime after you've been fired?) and I wanted to do a redesign of some outfits, so here's Rock Type Gym Leader, Roxanne (side by side comparison with her original design)
#pokemon #traditionalart
Random Pokemon of the day is Sealeo. I love how cute he is, especially the smile!😁Credit goes to Masabear.#pokemon #pokemonoftheday #sealeo #watertype #icetype #hoenn #pokemonruby #pokemonsapphire #pokemonemerald #pokemonomegaruby #pokemonalphasapphire #art #fanart #devaintart
I miss my Mega Boi.
#Pokemon #PokemonOmegaRubyAlphaSapphire #PokemonORAS #PokemonSwordShield #PokemonSWSH
Delta Chapter started!
Harukaze and Bocadito joined to the party ♡
15 años han pasado desde que nos conocimos por primera vez jugando Pokémon Rubí... Ahora jugaremos juntos otra vez #Omegaruby
Tomando mate con mi pequeño Alan ♡
#treecko #Pokemon #pokemonruby
#pokemonart #pokemonfanart #pokemonfan #PokemonGOBuddy #tomandomate #Mate
Wanted to test of this "somewhat watercolor style" that I was attempting all night. 😴
#pokemon #megaraquaza #omegaruby #alphasapphire
Random Pokemon of the day is Crawdaunt. This is really cool! Credit goes to Incredibleburningman.#pokemon #pokemonoftheday #crawdaunt #watertype #darktype #hoenn #pokemonruby #pokemonsapphire #pokemonemerald #pokemonomegaruby #pokemonalphasapphire #fanart #devianart
Random Pokemon of the day is Spoink. This little piggy is so cute!! Credit goes to Rapirisu.#pokemon #pokemonoftheday #spoink #physictype #hoenn #pokemonruby #pokemonsapphire #pokemonemerald #pokemonomegaruby #pokemonalphasapphire #fanart #devianart
Random Pokemon of the day is Blaziken. Credit goes to Hukaru Draws.#pokemon #pokemonoftheday #blaziken #firetype #fightingtype #starter #hoenn #pokemonruby #pokemonsapphire #pokemonemerald #pokemonomegaruby #pokemonalphasapphire #fanart #artstation
Random Pokemon of the day is Roselia. I love how beautiful and stunning this looks. Credit goes to Meluuarts. #pokemon #pokemonoftheday #roselia #grasstype #posiontype #hoenn #pokemonruby #pokemonsapphire #pokemonemerald #pokemonomegaruby #pokemonalphasapphire #fanart #devianart
Random Pokemon of the day is Kirlia. Credit goes to Sailorclef. #pokemon #pokemonoftheday #kirlia #pyshictype #fairytype #hoenn #pokemonruby #pokemonsapphire #pokemonemerald #pokemonomegaruby #pokemonalphasapphire #fanart #deviantart
Zinnia sets you a blaze! #fanart #Zinnia #pokemon #omegarubyalphasapphire
Episode Delta #fanart #Zinnia #pokemon #omegarubyalphasapphire