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Then, let's start the journey 🙃
#shotcomic #fanart #fanstory #pokemon #espur #shotmanga #normaltypepokemon #physictypepokemon #rainyday
Random Pokemon of the day is Gallade. Here is a beautiful Mega form art, really cool. Credit goes to Bukoya-Star. #pokemon #pokemonoftheday #gallade #physictype #fightingtype #megapokemon #sinnoh #pokemondiamond #pokemonpearl #pokemonplatinum #art #fanart #devianart
Random Pokemon of the day is Spoink. This little piggy is so cute!! Credit goes to Rapirisu.#pokemon #pokemonoftheday #spoink #physictype #hoenn #pokemonruby #pokemonsapphire #pokemonemerald #pokemonomegaruby #pokemonalphasapphire #fanart #devianart
Random Pokemon of the day is Slowbro. Credit goes to Sundawan Corness.#pokemon #pokemonoftheday #slowbro #watertype #physictype #kanto #pokemonred #pokemonblue #pokemonyellow #pokemonleafgreen #pokemonfirered #pokemonletsgopikachu #pokemonletsgoeevee #fanart #artstation
Random Pokemon of the day is Alakazam.I think this is really cool!!Credit goes to Nohbyl.#pokemon #pokemonoftheday #alakazam #physictype #kanto #pokemonred #pokemonblue #pokemonyellow #pokemonfirered #pokemonleafgreen #pokemonletsgopikachu #pokemonletsgoeevee #fanart #devianart
Random Pokemon of the day is Bronzong. Look how powerful this man looks!! OMG!! Credit goes to Zxyon2008. #pokemon #pokemonoftheday #bronzong #sinnoh #steeltype #physictype
Random Pokemon of the day is Malamar. I love how he looks in this pic, It reminds me of the Malamar from the anime on how it was evil. Gives me the same vibes, lol. Credit goes to ParadigmPizza. #pokemon #pokemonoftheday #malamar #kalos #darktype #physictype
Pokemon of the day is Mr.Rime. I love how this reminds me so much of the old tap dancers and songs. Makes me think of the I Love Lucy era. 😅 Credit goes to Kupato. #pokemon #pokemknoftheday #mrrime #galar #icetype #physictype