Mi streamer, cocinera, nadadora, patinadora favorita 🫶🤓🎨🌊🫧

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A patinated bronze and ivory sculpture by Georges Gory 'The Guardian', France circa 1925.....

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Oh shit! So it had like, LV/Patina vibes and was far too extra

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En ‘Escena de playa’ no me centro en la alegría que duplicó en los reflejos de la infancia. Veo ‘la fragilidad de la existencia humana’ que pintó en ‘Paisaje invernal con patinadores y trampa para pájaros’. Quizá, al verlos vulnerables, puedas

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O mangá de patinação no gelo "Medalist" de Tsurumaikada ficou em 1º lugar na categoria física do Prêmio Tsugi ni kuru Manga 2022.

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comisión extra de la ofertas para de su oc tiburona patinando, gracias por comisionarme

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I like doing stuff like this but the 'steak sizzle' of materials and patinas is hard to convey to modelers without hard surface experience sometimes, so I'm adding Substance as a concept tool in certain situations

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The highlight of the day: CardanoShinobi

Shown is a rendered in a metallic bronze finish with just the right amount of patina! Who wants to see an IRL bronze statue of 🙋‍♂️

Watch out for we’ll bring out some fire sneak peeks!

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El que trató de romantizar este tema de verdad le patina, ir a la oficina no tiene ninguna ventaja, solo es un lugar donde te explotan y literal vas a hacer más rico a un puto snob que no reconoce o valora tu trabajo ASCO me da este tipo de publicaciones. 💩🖕🏼💀

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Ame que al final volviera a patinar y que no dejara ir sus sueños

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🍄🦋🍄🦋SHROOM OF THE DAY🍄🦋🍄🦋🍄🦋🍄🦋🍄🦋🍄🦋🍄🦋🍄🦋🍄🦋🍄🦋🍄🦋🍄🦋🍄🦋🍄🦋🍄


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Primer vistazo de Grusha, EL lider del gimnasio hielo. SI ES UN CHICO, RESPETENLO. (guapisimo) Tiene un lanzamiento como de patinador de hielo, parece que tiene muy mal genio.

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I made this pixel art as an example for the palette I submitted to Lospec, of the same name.
(It took me like 3 hours, I'm not good at drawing dragons lol.)

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el video de gapa patinando me dio esto como idea, gapa on ice.

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✨O Spin-off de se chama 'Noonan’s'.

A série tem como protagonistas o Homem Pipa e sua parceira, a Patinadora Dourada! Vamos ver eles cometendo crimes para comprar o Noonan's, o bar mais decadente de Gotham.

A primeira temporada vai ter 10 episódios.

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Another of my "Black, red and gold" pieces. You can see the nature of the movement in the poured enamel paint and that there is a patina on the copper and not the gold.

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In his video on the Nautilus, brought up the idea of a green bronze Sheldon's Pick of said weapon. So, here I present the Patented Nautilus! (a pun on "patina")

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Yo también hubiera querido verlo patinar en vivo 😢 /abracito

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of "En Plein Coeur" by the very talented 😍👌 Currently being exhibited at the ArtCatto Gallery in Loulé. Come see this and more incredible artworks in person.

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Tant qu'il y a l'antipatinage et les hublots anti-buée...

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