# art artist artistlife arlieopal illustration copic copicmultiliner penandink portal imleaving done inktober inktober2019 darkcrystal billhader urgoh thewanderer ink inkwash parallelpen jimhenson puppetry drawi misfit misfits doylewolfgangvonfrankenstein frisk drawingink sabrinanetflix sabrinatheteeagewitch kiernanshipka sabrina sabrinaspellman chillingadventuresofsabrina netflix copicmarkers copics thearchangelo archangelocrelencia copicmarker coffin archiecomics skeksis skekmal whiteink sk wild artistsofinstagram pink purple blue green mountain mushrooms grass pentel watercolor sharpiemagnum unipinfineliner signouniballwhite 30min4sketch dailydoodle sketch inkdrawing dragon fantasyart fantasysketch oatmealinktober pumpkin witchtober witch inksketch inkdoodle doodle sketchbook kuretakebrushpen inktobermalaysia inktobermalaysia2019 tiger bigcat cat feline drawing lineart brushpen neopiko harimau harimaumalaya svslearn inktoberday6 inktoberhusky kassandra kassandragreece kassandraassassinscreedodyssey assassinscreed assassinscreedodyssey acodyssey illustrator husky dog doggo grey gray flower flowers hydrangea hydrangeas yellow thelastofus inktoberday5 fanart characterdesign pen mummy capuchin mabsdrawlloweenclub mabsdrawlloweenclub2019 drawlloween pencil draw illustratio scbwi childrensbookillustration dailydrawing dailysketch adrawingaday watercolordrawing watercolorsketch midnightatelier mitternacht gvb bus werk amsterdam moleskine waterbrush pocketbrushpen pilotpen fountainpen black jazz music bimhuis guitar sax piano tuba people pilot artistalley fanexpotoronto2019 fanexpocanada inking copicbrushpen automaticdrawing darkart fanexpo torontoartists artistvsartist inkoctober purosinaloa culiacan

Here’s my for ! I didn’t feel like drawing the actual dog, so here’s a witch inspired by huskies. Haha

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a toon version of Ellie from wielding a slightly wonky gun. Cannae wait for part 2 in Feb!

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