nice memories working for a few years back! lots of fun designing planets and other retro/80's settings.with the amazingly talented team at ILM :)

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is basically only Instead of being about validating white male nerds by creating a fantasy where everything revolves around making them feel important solely for being white male nerds, it's about black fatherhood 🐸☕

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What?! What's giving you all "Ready Player One vibes" from the new Space Jam trailer? Hmmm, weird...

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Based on early concept of "Delorean Time Machine" by the late Ron Cobb

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Today marks the 40th Anniversary of the DeLorean! Happy Birthday to one of the most iconic cars in cinema history!

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Se dio a conocer que para venidero año 2021 se dará inicio a la producción de la segunda parte de la película y estará basado en el segundo libro de Ernest Cline, Ready Player Two, de momento se desconoce su fecha de estreno.

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Voici mon top j'aurai pu mettre Indy 1 et 2, le Monde Perdu et aussi la Guerre des Mondes, c'est vraiment dur de choisir

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"Visually Stunning"
Minxx Cyberpunk will keep the reader engaged, entertained and stunned. Pre-Order here Shopping cart

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There are 30 winks in this image (from Ready Player One). What are they?
Art by Dani Blázquez

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Мне пришёл новый планш и моей радости нет предела
Для разминки наскетчил книжного Уэйда из Первому игроку приготовиться

7 60

The one and only, Art3mis because she's the supreme 80s icon

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