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美しき桜の無知なる者よ。 君の周りに集う人々は、君の美に魅了される。 桜の花びらが舞い散る中、君の姿はまるで夢のように美しい。 自然の中で君が放つ輝きは、心を癒し、喜びをもたらす。


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✴️#iTunes 総合ランキング1位達成。
✴️iTunes Rewind 2011に選出。


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¿Fan de o de 🤔

Pues tienes un Frankenstein en cada editorial. Uno viste como un pastor y el otro es un agente que patea culos. ¡Y hasta Batman y Punisher lo fueron!

Más tebeos inspirados en el monstruo de Mary Shelley en nuestro podcast ⬇️


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Livstream coming up at 1pm ET/ 10am PT! Join the chat if you've got something to say. Subscribe to get the podcast after. Links! 👇

🚀 Stream: https://t.co/Jvlt6j1Y9E

🎧 Podcast after: https://t.co/7o9vQKVihl

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Thanks for Everything, Grumpo Dewclaw
Episode 37. 12 GRUMPO MEN

The night before a courtly chore...


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This is coming up soon! Which franchise did it better? Do you have an opinion on either sequel? Send it over to QuestMeTMA.com! We would love to hear your thoughts!

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Thanks for the space!
we are Unnatural One! A 5E actual play We just wrapped up our 3rd arc!


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Thanks for the space!
we are Unnatural One! A 5E actual play We just wrapped up our 3rd arc!


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Thanks for the space!
we are Unnatural One! A 5E actual play We just wrapped up our 3rd arc!


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Thanks for the space!
we are Unnatural One! A 5E actual play We just wrapped up our 3rd arc!


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Nerds! I have a patreon. With only $1 month you get access to early release of all my podcast episodes. Usually several week in advance. And maps I make for my campaign and for fun. Check it out.


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Ya disponible nuestro sobre el cuento de de en Youtube y Spotify: https://t.co/CiH0HFdeLy 🧜‍♀️

Nos sumergimos bajo el mar 🐟🦀en esta historia que ha llevado de nuevo a la gran pantalla con una adaptación live action. 🐙

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We jut hit 5000 downloads!

It never ceases to blow our minds and makes us humbly grateful for everyone who's listened and given us their precious time. We love you so much! 🐸❤️

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